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Thursday 10 May 2012


- caused by inhalation of asbestos fibres
- asbestos used in building trade for fire proofing, pipe lagging, electrical wire insulation and roofing felt
- chrysotile (white asbestos) - least fibrogenic
- amosite (brown asbestos) - intermediate fibrogenicity, least common
- crocicolite (blue asbestos) - most fibrogenic
- presents with progressive dyspnea, clubbing and fine end inspiratory crackles
- causes pleural plaques
- increased risk of bronchial adenocarcinoma and mesothelioma
- mesothelioma can be diagnosed by thoracoscopy and biopsy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Really i found it was great post about MRCP revision notes. Here i have to make a hint for asbestosis. Hop so it’s helpful for revision. Asbestos is a lung related diseases and it is caused by exposure to asbestos fibre. Person who have asbestosis have a great change to get lung diseases if they smoke.To read more, Best MRCP Courses India