- slowly enlarging echinococcal cyst generally remain asymptomatic until their expanding size or their space occupying effect in an involved organ (commonly liver and lungs) elicits symptomss
- hydatid liver disease presents with right upper quadrant pain, palpable mass in right upper quadrant or bile duct compression resulting in jaundice
- calcification is often seen on abdominal X ray and ultrasound is excellent means of demonstrating the cyst
- the most pathognomonic finding if demonstrable is that of daughter cysts within the larger cyst
- diagnostic aspiration is not usually recommended because of risk of fluid leakage resulting in either dissemination or infection or anaphylactic reaction
- treatment: Albendazole or PAIR (percutaneous aspiration, infusion of scolicidal agent and reaspiration), or pericystectomy for complicated cyst
1 comment:
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