- pANCA is positive (50%)
- leukotriene inhibitor allow steroid doses to be lowered and this may unmask underlying vasculitis
- causing focal segmental glomerulonephritis
- principle cause of morbidity and mortality are myocarditis and myocardial infarction secondary to coronary arteritis
- serum IgE is commonly elevated and correlates with disease severity
- treatment: glucocorticoids, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide
- with treatment, 1 year survival is 90% and 5 year survival is 62%
mnemonic : BEAN SAP
BE: Blood Eosinophilia
A : Asthma
N : Neuropathy (mononeuritis multiplex) - usually common peroneal nerve
S : Sinus abnormality
A : Allergies
P : Perivascular eosinophils / vasculitis
Here's my first hand account of my fight with Churg Strauss Syndrome. Hopefully it will help others. Churg Strauss - My Story http://www.churg-strauss-syndrome.com
Very nice post, impressive. its quite different from other posts. Thanks for sharing.
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